Tuesday, December 30, 2008

love and everything else that is included in a lifetime

she see's trees making love with the wind,
birds with the sky, life with the springtime,
waves with the sandy beaches, and rocky shores.

curiosity gets the better of her,
where does life go when we pass on?
nature, love, and knowledge are living things to be carried on with death.

hoping all life is not lost among the ability to breathe.
breathe. breathe. take a deep breath, and slowly release.
release this feeling of not knowing what to do.
doing. being. living. loving. doing.
do it. don't do it. i don't know what shit is going on.
shit, shit my mind is racing like the fuckin' tour De France.
love should be uninterrupted,
yet not ignored.
the wind will guide her heart,
she is a map, a deity.
she is one with all, and all things are one with her.

age? what is this? time is nothing.
she only knows change in life, trees, leaves, flowers, skies.

love is flowing through my veins,
along with a conscience.


Rest body, soul, spirit, mind, you are profound.
Spinning, whirling into what seems as another dimension,
reflections resembling still water.
Time travel seems exsistant.

Stumbling across tide pools, searching for creatures of vitality,

The passionate waves suffocate the rocks,
as if she had caught him in bed with Mother Nature.

Dynamic daffodil hills awaken with the influential sensation of spring air,
liberated from the harsh winter frost.

Colossal redwood pines never end,
Questioning the years of growth;
If I could live a thousand years, would I be the size of this tree?
The vibrant, violet lupine fill my eyes with love.

Hopping stones down melodic streams,

Wondering where it starts and where it ends.

Before the media, nature was a source of life.