Thursday, June 11, 2009


this place is beautiful.
i have missed my cousins.
but there is nothing to do here.......
today caitlin and i went to polson, and walked around main st.
we found an AWESOME thrift store.
i bought 3 flannels for 4 dollars.
i gave my mom a foot rib for 10 dollars,
she ripped me off.
i am not getting my money.
right now we are texintg megan's boyman.
he thinks we are some girl named janay. hahahahh, this is fun.
i feel 13 again......

saturday we go to glacier national park and hike.
that should be beautiful, too bad i DON'T have my camera.
i have missed so many great shots.
how could i do that?!
i even brought my battery charger, and left my camera in the glovebox of my car....

i miss him.
this trip just drags on and on.
it's been too long.

my nails are bright green right now.
this is exciting news, mostly because i never paint my nails,
and now they're this bright neon green, everytime i look down it's all i see!
fun fun.

goodnight internet.
goodnight sweet man.
goodnight california.
goodnight montana.


  1. sexy hailey.
    good night teddy.
    good night me.
    ( lets watch the new world pretty please.)
    come back home skippy!!!!!!!

  2. Whaat??? I want to go to that thirft store! Fun blog. Glad you posted it on FB- otherwise I would never have known! xoxo
